NFT Marketplace
Get a good NFT drop and want to earn from it? Sell it on the marketplace!
The NFT Marketplace is the first destination when players are looking to enhance the Crusaders of Crypto experience! The Marketplace is made of two components: The NFT Store and the NFT Market can be found here:
NFT Store
The NFT Store fulfills the following role:
The newest/latest NFT will be available for purchase with BNB
Limited edition NFT will be available for purchase with BNB
Older NFT will be available for purchase with RUPEE
All proceeds of BNB from the NFT Store will follow be used in the following manner:
50% of the sale will be used for development/marketing purposes
50% of the sale will be used in one of the following ways:
Buy+Burn+Liquidate - CRUSADER will be bought, liquidated for BNB Loot Room Rewards, and then Burned. This will give loot to all holders, raise the loot rate for all holders, and increase the base floor price of the token
Fuel Play-To-Earn Pools - CRUSADER will be bought and given to a pool that can fuel portions of the play-to-earn mechanics of Crusaders of Crypto. This buying pushes more BNB into liquidity (and thus into loot rooms through normal tokenomics!), as well as reward players through gameplay!
As more and more NFT get released on the NFT Store, the following will occur:
The now old NFT Showcase will be made available for RUPEE (in addition to BNB)
NFT Market
The NFT Market allows players to sell NFT to each other for BNB !
Players will be able to:
Sell previously bought/earned NFT to other players for RUPEE and BNB
Sell RUPEE to other players directly for BNB
The NFT Market imposes a 10% tax on all sales, which will follow the same distribution model as the NFT Store
*- This feature is currently under development. All information is subject to change by release, and ongoing from there based on market ecosystem.
Last updated
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